Wednesday, December 10, 2008
5Dmk2: Street Style Riding (HD Video Sample)
Ha! Santa came early and since I have seen so many test runs with pictures all over the net but very little coverage on the HD video capturing on this splendid cam, I would certainly like to take the liberty to display what I shot during the holiday season last Monday (Hari Raya Haji). Equipped with the new 5D mk2 and a couple of guys on bikes. We hit out to ECP and Orchard Road.
Seriously I just had the intention to grab a couple of casual shots. but what the hell. I went out for something more.
Do hope you all will enjoy this clip.
Please do send your comments. Good or Bad. I'm at all ears for them.
Please email me at for a Password to view the Video. Thanks
**Without a doubt HD really does suck up on the processing time.
Biking with 5Dmk2 from Adrian on Vimeo.
Juicy News,
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Redrock Micro DSLR Cinema rig for the Canon EOS 5D MKII
The Redrock Micro DSLR Cinema rig for the Canon EOS 5D MKII One hella of a portable rig for the new 5D mk2. =)
Looks like a super duper space ship man. LoL! But wait till you see the videos it can produce. Salivate ah I tell you!

Special credits goes to Vincent @
Juicy News,
Rush Lunch!
I seriously can't believe I actually rushed thru my lunch today just to have a chance to test THE TOY again. Haha! The feel, the make, the picture quality and if it's some kinda MCQns (multiple choice questions), I'll choose 'D'. All of 'D' above is fantastically amazing. Oh what can I say, new broom always sweeps well. Kakaka!
Can't wait to pop some pics up for all you picture hungry people. =P
Juicy News
Monday, December 8, 2008
Canon 5D mk2 is in the HOUSE!
Finally the long awaited camera of the year is in my possession. Muahahah! What can I say, Santa came early this time. Was shooting a wedding last Sat when a call came in. I hear a sweet voice from my preferred camera shop indicating that my Q no. is up. Sunday was just tempting me. Imagine me shooting another wedding on Sunday with my new toy sitting right at home. Felt like a kid sorta detached from his new toy train. =P Oh what the heck! Night came and me and the guys hit out for some test run with the camera. I will be uploading something juicy real soon man. Vimeo is taking sometime to process the conversion. Huge I tell you!

Juicy News,
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Cookbook for Disaster
This is a clear cut disaster just waiting to happen.
I just came back from lunch and noticed this group of workers reversing into a lot. And just behind it was an Audi R8. I was indeed curious as to why these guys won't wanna park a little forward just to be on the safe side. Afterall, they were loading some huge metal scaffolding. Oh well... just have a look at them....I just can't conclude. I bet you can't too.

Juicy News
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Neutral Thursday
Came back from work a little early today and I was really hoping to have an early dinner and to start on some photos. But I really have no idea if it's me or the weather. It's getting me into a very very neutral setting. Good thing I went for a quick ride for some Mac's and now I'm back. Wide awake as ever. =)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Coming of End
Just ended a shoot this afternoon at AMK and Christel was nice to drop me off at bugis. Went back to the office for a bit of work and was heading to Objectivs @ Liang Seah to get my sis her Holga.... erm... and my lomo wide angle lens, I came upon this earth eating sky. And seriously, it was a sight to behold.

Thursday, November 20, 2008
All I Want for X'mas
Due in stores in December, but only a few pieces, I heard =) Now let's see if they'll call me to let me know if I'm the winner.
Just can't wait man......Toodles.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wine, Beer & Water
To my friends and family who enjoy a glass of wine... and those who don't.
As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - bacteria found in feces.
In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop.
However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor)
because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.
Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health.
Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit.
**Credits to: Aman, Thanks for this email. LOL!
POSB/DBS ATM Machines Went Bonkers
Went to Harbour Front Canon to have both my flashes serviced today and just as I was about to get some cash out form POSB, heard a slight commotion about the ATM not being able to dispense more than $40 bucks. Mine had no probs.
But back in the East at Parkway Parade. Seems like the bug is back again. And this time all machines could not dispense more than $40.
Indeed a weird deal in a long time.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Twist in a Park
I happened to be doing a casual shoot around the area. And I just can't resist looking down when I saw this opportunity for a twisted shot. Indeed a twist in a park. Will probably try and find time to pop by again for a slow walk thru this park.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
The Pile Up!
Just ended a kopi break in the wee hours of the morning at Orchard and when I was just about to head back. My oh my! What did I see. I mean.... like what's new? A Pile up at Orchard Tower. It was so long that I had to use 2 pics for it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Club St. after 8pm
Spooky as hell. You'll never know who's lurking around the corner I tell you. Wait kena touch. Sians I tell you.

Food for Thought ?
You decide.
Was taking break around my work place and spotted this chap removing the shell from prawns at a nearby eatery. Not a very good idea eh! Tsk.
(you might ask what am i doing with my camera during my break time. I call this a job hazard =P)
Was taking break around my work place and spotted this chap removing the shell from prawns at a nearby eatery. Not a very good idea eh! Tsk.
(you might ask what am i doing with my camera during my break time. I call this a job hazard =P)

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Wet Wet Wet!
One super wet day!
A super cold day for a good rest. Oh well everyone feels the same. =)
K back to bed.
A super cold day for a good rest. Oh well everyone feels the same. =)
K back to bed.

Have been working madly for the whole week and thought I needed to relax a little. Was briefly introduced to Ambrosia and I must say it's kind of a simple and relaxing place to cool off. Not the best but hey, what can you ask for when you really got nothing to do after the mad rush. Chill Loh!

I call this one, 'the Attic'.

I call this one, 'the Attic'.

Monday, August 18, 2008
Work Many Many, Money Little Little
I was actually considering if I should check this show out. And I finally got a pair after the latest Dark Knight. And I must really say it's one hell of a laugh.(8/10) You just can't stop laughing and crying. It seriously addresses most of the current standing issues we face in this fine country.
Here's my impression of a pair hands that has gone through really hard times just to be able to afford a movie that actually emphasizes on why money is no enuff.
Here's my impression of a pair hands that has gone through really hard times just to be able to afford a movie that actually emphasizes on why money is no enuff.

Dinner with Millenia
Another fulfilling dinner at Millenia Walk with the peeps. Popped into Paul's for the first time and I must say the food is simply fantastic but pity I can't say the same for the beer. Just my personal preference tho.

Look like some lost kid on the block. Haha!

Food and Beverages
Friday, August 15, 2008
Really Hot Bikes!
If you have some spare cash lying around, you might just wanna dig into these really cool bikes. Personally I find them really nice to drool over. But wait till you get a grip of these heavy weight champions. They weigh a ton I tell you. Designed for various genres. This one is for downhilling. Nicolai's Lambda ST. They come in Pink too. LoL.

This other one at the bottom is more of a all rounder. And best part, it comes with a built in gear box for smoother shifting. It's just too complex to explain. =X
Introducing the Nucleon TFR.

This other one at the bottom is more of a all rounder. And best part, it comes with a built in gear box for smoother shifting. It's just too complex to explain. =X
Introducing the Nucleon TFR.

Bikes and Cars
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Passing of ......
Just after a recent shoot at the passing of my grandma, I asked myself, if I will have another chance to record another this year. And just last week, I helped a friend to do the honour of documenting a time of solemn of his mum's departure. In my opinion, I find this occassion a time of peace. A time to contemplate and to be really grateful of the people around you. We are so often distracted by material things in life that we fail to realise that these cannot be brought over to the other side. And when it's time to depart, it will probably be very hard to let go.
If we can only take a moment of our busy schedule to acknowledge those closes to you before it's just too late.
**as this is a very solemn occassion, no actual pictures will be shown and I thank you for your kind understanding.

If we can only take a moment of our busy schedule to acknowledge those closes to you before it's just too late.
**as this is a very solemn occassion, no actual pictures will be shown and I thank you for your kind understanding.

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Everybody's Favourite Dino =P
Just came out of ECP's Subway and was wondering what was that irritating music. And lo and behold..... I saw this... LoL!

Thursday, July 31, 2008
A Walk up Ann Siang Hill
I finally had some time to pop by the relocated 'Books Actually' store along Ann Siang Hill this evening and saw this little bugger. It's freaking glowing in green man.

And tot hey since I'm here, why not give this fellow a little fashion shoot to show his Oh so cool *body glove top.

K this is disturbing. I really dun know what these books do to deserve a prison sentence. These are Actually Books man.

Self Portrait

now this is *puzzle link* ???

I seriously like this shot a lot.

And tot hey since I'm here, why not give this fellow a little fashion shoot to show his Oh so cool *body glove top.

K this is disturbing. I really dun know what these books do to deserve a prison sentence. These are Actually Books man.

Self Portrait

now this is *puzzle link* ???

I seriously like this shot a lot.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Powerpacked Off Day!

While Zul was wacking this, I got a snap. Just for keeps =)
Food and Beverages
Monday, July 28, 2008
Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan
It certainly took me some time to gather all the info I need to actually put this blog together. In this space, I have decided to include anything and everything else but work. Apart from the contents, I was also contemplating on a good time to launch this page. What perfect timing it would be to release this just as the 2nd sequel of Christopher Nolan's Batman: Dark Knight.
Being a fanatic of the Joker, I was totally thrill when a hint of the Joker was leaked in Batman Begins. Just before it's debut, I was really hopeful about Batman Begins. Taking into consideration how Joel Schumacher made a terrible version of Batman back in 1997. I was disappointed. Personally I really enjoyed Tim Burton's version. It was possibly one of the best batman film back then. Not until now. The new and improved version of Nolan's just swept me off my feet. Loved every bit of it. Just watch it last Saturday. And I'm already thinking of watching it again. It was dark. Dark and modern. Never have I seen the Joker this insane and violent. On a short note, The Joker is supposed to be a clown who entertains and to annoy Batsy. However, in this latest version, it did freaked me out a little. But I'm loving it.
Am really impressed with the story line. Two Face's makeup was even more interesting. Probably CGI. But it was well done.
Nuff said, here are some movie posters that probably didn't hit SG. Weird I know. As you can see there are tons of better ones. Having The Joker appearing in most scenes, Nolan should have name this one The Prince of Crime.
Enjoy and feast your eyes on these images.

I like these 2 frosted looking posters. Good Stuff man!

Being a fanatic of the Joker, I was totally thrill when a hint of the Joker was leaked in Batman Begins. Just before it's debut, I was really hopeful about Batman Begins. Taking into consideration how Joel Schumacher made a terrible version of Batman back in 1997. I was disappointed. Personally I really enjoyed Tim Burton's version. It was possibly one of the best batman film back then. Not until now. The new and improved version of Nolan's just swept me off my feet. Loved every bit of it. Just watch it last Saturday. And I'm already thinking of watching it again. It was dark. Dark and modern. Never have I seen the Joker this insane and violent. On a short note, The Joker is supposed to be a clown who entertains and to annoy Batsy. However, in this latest version, it did freaked me out a little. But I'm loving it.
Am really impressed with the story line. Two Face's makeup was even more interesting. Probably CGI. But it was well done.
Nuff said, here are some movie posters that probably didn't hit SG. Weird I know. As you can see there are tons of better ones. Having The Joker appearing in most scenes, Nolan should have name this one The Prince of Crime.
Enjoy and feast your eyes on these images.

I like these 2 frosted looking posters. Good Stuff man!

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