Being a fanatic of the Joker, I was totally thrill when a hint of the Joker was leaked in Batman Begins. Just before it's debut, I was really hopeful about Batman Begins. Taking into consideration how Joel Schumacher made a terrible version of Batman back in 1997. I was disappointed. Personally I really enjoyed Tim Burton's version. It was possibly one of the best batman film back then. Not until now. The new and improved version of Nolan's just swept me off my feet. Loved every bit of it. Just watch it last Saturday. And I'm already thinking of watching it again. It was dark. Dark and modern. Never have I seen the Joker this insane and violent. On a short note, The Joker is supposed to be a clown who entertains and to annoy Batsy. However, in this latest version, it did freaked me out a little. But I'm loving it.
Am really impressed with the story line. Two Face's makeup was even more interesting. Probably CGI. But it was well done.
Nuff said, here are some movie posters that probably didn't hit SG. Weird I know. As you can see there are tons of better ones. Having The Joker appearing in most scenes, Nolan should have name this one The Prince of Crime.
Enjoy and feast your eyes on these images.

I like these 2 frosted looking posters. Good Stuff man!

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