I'm having the most happening time in my life. Thank you to Markus & Angelina for having me over in Austria. You both are simply beautiful to photograph. Since the day I met you both in 2006. And now it's 2009. From a couple to finally married. It has been a wonderful journey for the both of you. I wish you all the many blessing in many years to come. And I certainly look forward to see little Markus & Angelinas running around. ;) I'll like to picture them too. Can't wait!!!
And not forgetting Daniel & Maja. Met you both briefly for drinks. And things just took off. ;) Wonderful people, Fantastic Hosts. Dinner was superb. Love every bit of it. Wild Mushrooms..... or Space Mushrooms. LOL!!!!!!
Here's some pics to remember the beautiful times we had together!!! ;)

They sure can draw really straight lines for the fields ;)

I think they are bad at aiming that they have to put an image of a fly in the urinals =P LOL

Greeted by FOCUS bike at Munich Airport Woots !!!!

Salzburg Airport

Castle!!! Woots!!

Markus & myself

Me enjoying what I do. ;P

Daniel & myself

Markus & Angelina

Left mine at home. A complete life saver I tell you!

Strait Jacket.....LOL!! Suits me so well Being a Joker!!! =D

A Walk into the Unknown Salt Mines

Raw form of Salt

The quickest way down the shaft in the Salt Mines.

Guide explaining the technique of going down the shaft.

The fastest slide ever. With no harnes!!! Happening!!!

Right in the middle of Germany & Austria. So Cool!!

Gates to boat ride thru the salt lake. 3 metres deep.

Angelina, Markus, Maja, Daniel & Myself.

Evolution of torches in the mines used by miners.

Our dedicated beautiful guide who is also a student.

Dead salt Miner.

Basket! Boss all went home, this fellow action hard working. Still digging!! ;P

Train out to the world. We were like 270 metres below daylight.

A view into a Celtic Village.

Maja showing a proper way how to ride a horse. ;P

Demure Daniel

Austria's Subarashi

Fine Dinner at Daniel & Maja's. Fantastic meal with Mushrooms.

austria! wow.. woww.. woww!!! *and continues to go wow for the next 3 minutes*
Love it Deep Deep Ah! Beautiful place and Wonderful people I tell you. Am always wondering why am I in Singapore......humpt!!! OOooops HAhahah!
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