Countless number of rainbows for the whole of the month of April. It's very much all over the place. A faint glow of the colours that didn't last. But as always my day starts at 6pm. Humid and warm for the day, I see a Pot of Gold glowing at the End of the Road.
And something I found very meaningful while watching a Chinese Table Tennis Drama Show. In Japan, there's an art called Kintsugi. It's an art to mend broken pottery with Gold Fillings. And this certainly means that when these pots cracks to a point and rendered unuseable, instead of just throwing them away, owners will have these mended by Kintsugi Masters. And it is indeed a beautiful thought to know that with all its negative/positive histories, this actually makes the pot more durable & unique, and in turn increasing its value.
And reflecting this unto our daily lives, it's wonderful to know there's always hope when you thought you have reached the end of the road.